A smart plotting and post-processing program
(and utilities)
This site presents PlotXY, a plotting and post-processing program developed by
prof. Massimo Ceraolo from the University of Pisa, as part of his research
activities involving simulation and post-processing of measured data.
For some technical
details consult
Ceraolo: “Experiences in creating a software tool to analyze
and postprocess simulated and measured data”, Software - Practice and
Experience, J. Wiley, vol. 48, issue 12, pp 2380-2388, ISSN 0038-0644
Ceraolo: “MC’s PlotXY – A general-purpose and post-processing open-source
tool”, SoftwareX, Elsevier, vol. 9, January-June
2019, pp 282-287 – ISSN: 2352-7110.
This program allows plotting and post-processing data
from several possible sources: it allows reading from LabView, Matlab, ATP, Modelica, CSV, Comtrade,
Note that only subsets of the different file types are
supported; however, in case of need, support can be expanded by the developer
or the user (with developer’s help).
PlotXY has been around for about 20
years and, AFAIK, it has never harmed any computer.
However, since it is not “a recognised
app” by Microsoft Defender, the first time it is launched the “Windows
protected your PC” blue window pops up.
In this case, to install PlotXY, you should click on “more info” and let the
program start.
on side menu buttons for more details and download.
This new section of the site contains small utilities
that helps PlotXY usage:
Pl42mat. This is a very old, command line program, that can be used to convert
one or more plf4 file into Matlab V4 files, that can
be read from Mathwork’s Matlab
or MC’s PlotXY
(coming soon) PL4combine. This is a recent utility
that can be used to combine several pl4 files, all containing the same number of
points and assuming that the stored signals all refer to the same times, into a
unique mat or ASCII (adf) file.